Monday, September 20, 2010

A better day today

Well after yesterday and the night before that it was nice to have a pretty good day with the twins today.
Ethan's stomach is back to a normal pinkish color. We found out yesterday morning that he has a hernia which is very common in preemies and even more common in boy preemies. They will continue to watch it and try to push it back in. Eventually though he will have to have surgery to fix it, but for now they will just keep an eye on it. They stopped feeding him yesterday since they didn't know why is stomach was discolored, but started him back on this morning at a slower pace. He was getting feeds every 3 hours, but they will restart him out at every 6 hours.
Both Ethan and Madaline had a consult with a therapist today. They work on their development to make sure that their muscles, sensory skills and all sorts of other fun stuff.
To top off all the issues Ethan is having to deal with, his left leg is turned out quite a bit. His right leg is as well, but not nearly as much. He also is clenching his fists a lot and not opening up his fingers. They are going to work on him 5 days a week to try and move his leg into the proper position as well as other things with his arms and hands. They will show Brady and I how to do the same exercises so we can work on them as well. The therapist was also telling me that his ears and eyes aren't quite developed yet, so we need to speak with a very soft and calm voice right now as well as keep the lights down.
Madaline is also seeing the therapist, but only 3 days a week. Her shoulders are kind of scrunched up, so we need to work on bringing them down. We are also going to work on her leg strength to build up those cute little muscles. She has gone up on how much they are feeding her as well. Within the next couple days they will be taking out her PICC line (the long term IV in her arm). If she handles that well, they will take her off the CPAP (breathing) machine to a lower type which will be a lot more comfortable for her.
Ethan is also doing pretty well on his breathing machine. His body is really irritated with the type of machine that he is on which is what could be causing him to have a drop in his heart rate and slow down his breathing. Within the next day or so, they are going to try to move him to a lower type on machine kind of like Madaline's, but with a little more support.
I have had the pleasure of changing both the babies diapers and today they both showed me what it is like to be a mom and have to change some pretty big loads for their size. It was pretty messy for both, but it was nice to help.
I held Madaline again tonight, which is always a joy. If Ethan is able to move the other machine tomorrow and everything goes well, I may be able to hold him as well which would be a dream come true.
I have been getting a pretty good response regarding he CHOC walk in the park, so I am going to go ahead and start a team. Over the next day or so I am open to Team Name suggestions if anyone has any. Again, we would love to have all of you come out to support the cause. It's only a $50 donation/entrance fee to participate. The more the merrier. If you want more info on the event, my previous post gives a little detail, or you can go to
Thank you to everyone that has been helping me out with rides to the hospital (since I wasn't suppose to drive for 2 weeks after the babies were born), as well as everyone who has brought us a some delicious meals (so we aren't eating fast food every night). And to everyone who has ran an errand or 2 for us. All your help has made this process a little easier. Thank you so much and we love you and thank God for your kindness.

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